A downloadable game

Prototype game for "My First Game Jam" 

The game will consist of the player having nature powers that hurt the pea-men who are damaging the map. As the pea-men settle, they destroy more and more of the land. Once the map reaches a certain level of destruction, that is the end of nature and game over. If the player successfully kills all pea-men, that causes a game over to the pea-men, and the player wins.

As the Gamejam only had a two-week timeline, we got the base of the game down and almost all computer mechanics that we needed. Later in the future, we will implement the player actions and a metric for winning/losing the game. The current game is basic and is missing many key features like menus/pauses/restart. 

To restart the game, you need to close and re-open the executable file.

Note that there are two exe files. Since the game doesn't currently include player actions, the "NaturesEndFast.exe" file speeds up the computer so you can view the game progress much quicker. NaturesEnd.exe is the planned speed to the game (open to critique).

This game was prototyped along with 3 developers over a two week period.

All art in the game were created by Fianura: https://fianura.itch.io/

Music and sound effects (more not currently in prototype) were created by: https://djcoder.itch.io/


NaturesEnd.exe 131 MB
NaturesEndFast.exe 131 MB

Install instructions

Only for windows, download the exe and run it.

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